Working as a professional psychic and medium for 24 years I get intuitive information about your life, relationships, your future etc. and I can connect with your loved ones who have passed on. In addition to this work, I give lessons in Danish.

I was born with psychic powers and since I finshed my studies for a clairvoyant in 1997 I have been giving psychic readings besides my work as a secretary. Some years later I started to talk to animals too - mainly horses and dogs - some would call it a “horse/dog whisperer”. Click here to read more about telepathy. I perform Equine Touch, too. Please click here to read more about that.

I live in Denmark in a small village in the South of Jutland where I live in the country together with my dogs, horses, cats etc.

A clairvoyance is a spiritual guidance in your life when you are in doubt about different things and can be helpful in many situations. Do you have doubts about your work, what education to choose, your relationship or other things? Do you want to know more about yourself? Do you have the life you want - or is something stopping you? Clairvoyance can bring clarity to your questions. You do not have to fear that I'll tell you about illnes, accidents or when you are going to die. I never get this information.

Working also as a medium I can help you to connect to the Spirit World. Didn’t you say goodbye? Or couldn’t you? Have you lost your zest for life because of your loss? The spirits miss, too and it can be very frustrating for them not to be able to tell the bereaved that they continue life in the spirit world. I sense the presence of a Spirit and I get in contact with it and establish a communication where I serve as a channel between the Spirit and the living human being. 

Click here to read response from some of my clients.

My spiritual CV:

  • Clairvoyance to individuals and firms
  • Contact to the Spirit World
  • Telepathy to animals, mostly to horses and dogs via an e-mailed photo
  • Healing af people and animals
  • Spiritual house cleaning - houses, flats, farms and horse stables
  • Hen parties - the bride-to-be gets a private clairvoyance 
  • Homeparties - the participants choose between short private sessions or a united experience
  • I have attended countless fairs
  • Several classes at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, to improve my communication with the Spirit World
  • I have been live on national TV to demonstrate communication with Kurt Cobain, Nirvana, in the Spirit World
  • I have been on a regional TV programme about telepathy and Equine Touch
  • I have made a short movie where I demonstrate Equine Touch and healing
  • I was in an article in a Danish weekly magazine called Femina "Clairvoyance -rip off or fact"
  • I have written a section in a book about the Ouija board
  • I give talks and courses about my communication with the Spirit World.